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Lady BG Productions offers a "Premier Karaoke Experience" consisting of an ultimate blend of Sparkling Personalities & Professional Karaoke DJ Services. Whether hosting an adult house party, kid's birthday extravaganza, wedding, family reunion, weekly club show, or a corporate event, we will undoubtedly ROCK IT OUT!!
Mostly recognized as "Houston's Hottest Karaoke DJ" LADY BG is super proud of having built her business from the ground up. She dedicates herself to providing consistently amazing and top notch services. LADY BG loves interacting with fans and her absolute favorite song to karaoke is "In My Life" by Michael Jackson!
Please be assured that we have taken all the necessary precautions to ensure the service we provide is a safe and sanitized experience. We require the use of both disposable mic covers and hand sanitizing stations. We have also eliminated the use of physical songbooks and encourage everyone to download our free app to access our digital songbook and sign up for the rotation from their personal devices or to use the sign up station we provide of which we sanitize between uses. In addition, during this challenging time our focus is on supporting our followers, our clients, and the venues in which we operate. We are dedicated to finding solutions to work thru the disruptions caused by COVID-19 coronavirus, while at the same time acting responsibly to do what we can to prevent further spread of the virus. We will continue to closely monitor and assess the evolving situation and will be diligent about keeping our "Karaoke Experience" as safe as possible. We would like to thank everyone for their support during this pandemic. #StaySafe
We are committed to maintaining the accuracy, confidentiality, and security of your personally identifiable information ("Personal Information"). As part of this commitment, our privacy policy governs our actions as they relate to the collection, use, and disclosure of Personal Information.